Logbook for recording ICM cases and procedures

Logbook for recording ICM cases and procedures

The Northwest ICU Logbook is a free, personal, fully-editable, spreadsheet-based logbook for all grades of Intensive Care practitioners. It was created with key trainers in the Northwest School of ICM (UK). Since launch, it has been downloaded over 3000 times from over 30 countries.

Below you will find detailed instructions in our PDF file, and download links for both Microsoft Excel and Mac Numbers versions. We recommend storing the spreadsheets on a cloud system, which will then allow both desktop, tablet and mobile access.

If downloading directly from an iPhone, you will need to use "open with Numbers" function.



Version History

V1.6 (Sep 2020)Excel only: Corrected formula for intubations (range should say !S:S) and RSI (range should say !R:R)

V1.5 (Oct 2019)Added ESP blockMore detailed procedural summaries

V1.4 (Jun 2019)Conditional formatting for "#DIV/0!" errorsAdded in "non-trainee" for teachingUnlocked trainee demographic data so it can be edited even if page is lockedMinor formulae error in "percentage admitted" under "ICU patients by speciatly and age" in "Stats-Cases" errors in counting trauma and cardiac cases

V1.3 (Feb 2019)Added VascathAdded trainee demographics for ARCP summaryRearranged summary tables to fit print layout

V1.2 (Sep 2018)Added communication with relatives column before outcome column. Added COUNTIF function in Procedure Summary page

V1.1 (Jul 2018)Added DVT ultrasound to reflect CUSIC competenciesMinor formulae errors corrected

Comments, suggestions and questions: nwiculogbook@gmail.com

Share your own edits with us: nwiculogbook@gmail.com